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By admin, 24 July, 2023

In some ways enlightenment is good word for the end of the path. It implies seeing and realising things in new and different ways. Although we know that our rational understanding is only a small part of the transformation needed for full enlightenment, our views and how we hold them are nevertheless an important part of the process.

By admin, 3 July, 2023

Having a mentor enables you to talk through your experiences in meditation and reflection. This brings those experiences out of the subjective and enables you to see  what is going on, as it were, more objectively. Talking these things through with someone who understands, is an invaluable part of the process of integration and assimilation.

By admin, 3 July, 2023

On a recent MIG forum, we were in a general discussion about people’s experience of insight and someone (apologies, I can’t remember the name of the person who it was), asked what about love?

By admin, 2 June, 2023

One of my own perspectives around these very interesting and pertinent questions, is related to the experience of interconnectedness and what that means in my life and practice.

I'm not sure exactly when this was established as a certainty for me, but it remains a fundamental part of my way of being now. That certainty that I am not separate, apart from everyone else or from anything else, that everything I do connects me one way or another with everything else, is just now a given. I can no longer understand my practice as being just about what I do separately from all others.