
to Upadeśa insight exchange

What is Upadeśa?

Upadeśa or Upadesha means Dharma dialogue. In the twelve divisions of Buddhadharma the category upadeśa indicates question-answer sessions. In a Tantric Buddhist context upadeśa often indicates a guru's intimate practice instruction. 

The site aims to bring together resources and experience relating to Insight practice in Triratna:

The site is currently run by the same people who make up MIG, however, we consider Upadesa to be independent of MIG, and hope for others to pick up the baton and take the site forward, so:
please get involved!

Register to contribute

When you register you can: 

For most order members, registering will just take a couple of clicks - click on the Facebook icon in the menu.

More information, including other ways to register, can be found here.
